3D Laser Scanning

3D Laser Scanning, or High Definition Surveying is a highly effective surveying method for the most intricate of spaces that are difficult or practically impossible to measure with traditional methods.

Laser scanning is incredibly fast, ideal for capturing large amounts of data, thus reducing both the time and costs surrounding your project. The remote nature of 3D Laser Scanning means it is an ideal option for historical or highly sensitive locations, as site visits are kept to a minimum.

Our High Definition Surveying projects can be delivered as 2D drawings, 3D models, and scan data which can be made available via viewer files, including Truview. Whether your requirements are for architectural, archeological, or engineering applications, or anything in between, our team will work with you to meet every specification.

If you believe your project could benefit from a sophisticated, efficient, and cost-effective survey methodology, our 3D Laser Scanning services provide accuracy to the closest millimeter. Contact 01438 841300 or email [email protected] where a member of our experienced team will be on hand to help, or enquire online today for a quick quotation.



Get in touch

If you would like to discuss a project please contact our team

Welwyn Office +44(0)1438 841300
[email protected]
Midlands Office +44(0)1788 877262
[email protected]

Max. 5MB images, .dwg, .dxf, .docx, or .pdf files only.

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Max. 5MB images, .dwg, .dxf, .docx, or .pdf files only.